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Video EOL notification – Legacy Fiber Options & IFS Fiber products

Dear Customer,

UTC Fire& Security (“UTCFS”) is committed to providing only the highest quality products and services to our customers.

In order to conduct its business and to fulfil its promise of innovation, Carrier UTC Fire & Security B.V. (“UTCFS”) reserves the right, without any liability to its customers, to modify specifications or product design, to discontinue or limit the manufacture or distribution of certain products and to add new and additional products to its range.

Indeed, obsolescence of existing products is an inevitable byproduct of our relentless commitment to product innovation.

As your business partner, we of course aim to ensure as much as reasonably possible that the discontinuation of our products does not negatively affect your business. Hence, we want to inform you in advance of any such obsolescence.

Therefore, with this letter, we wish to formally give you notice of the obsolescence of the following products:

Please note the following dates:

End of Life July 17, 2019
Last Time Buy August 9, 2019
End of technical support sales after the date of this letter July 17, 2024
Warranty Term 5 years

This notice is sent to you for your information only. It does not contain any negative acknowledgement on the part of UTCFS or any of its affiliate companies. To the extent required, all rights are reserved.

Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact your Account Manager.

Best regards,
The Sub Saharan Africa team



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